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BIGMESS Disassembly

                   ; 6502bench SourceGen v1.7.3
                   visionNum             .eq     $3e                     ; vision number to have next, 0..5
                   GAME2_PRNTSTR         .eq     $600c
                   SCRN_triumph_melody   .eq     $9c1e

                                         .org    $0330
                   * It seems they ran out of space in GAME1 for vision code (used after gaining  *
                   * a level) so they stuffed 2 visions in page $03, along with common end code   *
                   * that plays the vision melody.                                                *
0330: 4c 36 03     BIGMESS_visions       jmp     vision3

0333: 4c f5 03     BIGMESS_end_vision    jmp     end_vision              ;called from GAME1 visions

0336: c9 03        vision3               cmp     #$03
0338: d0 68                              bne     vision4
033a: 20 0c 60                           jsr     GAME2_PRNTSTR
033d: 29                                 .dd1    $29
033e: c1 a0 c2 cf+                       .str    ↑“A BODY WASHES UP FROM THE BOTTOMLESS    LAKE. THE BOY APPEARS”
                                          +      “ DEAD BUT YOU      CAN'T BE SURE...”
039e: ff                                 .dd1    $ff
039f: 4c f5 03                           jmp     end_vision

03a2: 20 0c 60     vision4               jsr     GAME2_PRNTSTR
03a5: 29                                 .dd1    $29
03a6: cf ce a0 c1+                       .str    ↑“ON A NARROW ROCK LEDGE RAAMO LIVES,     TRAPPED IN”,$17,“CAVE”
                                          +      “RNS DEEP BELOW THE ROOT”
03f4: ff                                 .dd1    $ff
03f5: e6 3e        end_vision            inc     visionNum               ;have next vision next time
03f7: 20 1e 9c                           jsr     SCRN_triumph_melody     ;yay
03fa: 60                                 rts

                   ; junk?
03fb: 30                                 .dd1    $30
03fc: ef                                 .dd1    $ef
03fd: 30                                 .dd1    $30
03fe: ef                                 .dd1    $ef
03ff: 90                                 .dd1    $90

Symbol Table
