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HRCG.code Disassembly

                   ; 6502bench SourceGen v1.7.3
                   ; Note I omitted the first two bytes $00 $08 (file code length $0800) from this
                   ; file. This may not have been a great idea, as you'll need to prepend them to
                   ; the assembly output to create a working relocatable object file.
                   blink_delay     .eq     $50    {const}    ;cursor blink delay
                   MON_WNDLEFT     .eq     $20               ;left column of scroll window
                   MON_WNDWDTH     .eq     $21               ;width of scroll window
                   MON_WNDTOP      .eq     $22               ;top of scroll window
                   MON_WNDBTM      .eq     $23               ;bottom of scroll window
                   MON_CH          .eq     $24               ;cursor horizontal displacement
                   MON_CV          .eq     $25               ;cursor vertical displacement
                   MON_BASL        .eq     $28               ;base address for text output (lo)
                   MON_BASH        .eq     $29               ;base address for text output (hi)
                   MON_CSWL        .eq     $36               ;character output hook (lo)
                   MON_CSWH        .eq     $37               ;character output hook (hi)
                   MON_KSWL        .eq     $38               ;character input hook (lo)
                   MON_KSWH        .eq     $39               ;character input hook (hi)
                   MON_RNDL        .eq     $4e               ;low byte of KEYIN "random" value
                   MON_RNDH        .eq     $4f               ;high byte of KEYIN "random" value
                   DOS_CHARIO      .eq     $03ea             ;jumps to routine that connects DOS KSW/CSW
                   KBD             .eq     $c000             ;R last key pressed + 128
                   KBDSTRB         .eq     $c010             ;RW keyboard strobe
                   TXTCLR          .eq     $c050             ;RW display graphics
                   MIXCLR          .eq     $c052             ;RW display full screen
                   TXTPAGE1        .eq     $c054             ;RW display page 1
                   TXTPAGE2        .eq     $c055             ;RW display page 2 (or read/write aux mem)
                   HIRES           .eq     $c057             ;RW display hi-res graphics
                   MON_BELL        .eq     $fbdd             ;Sound bell unconditionally
                   MON_VTAB        .eq     $fc22             ;tab to row specified in Acc
                   MON_VTABZ       .eq     $fc24
                   MON_CLREOP      .eq     $fc42             ;clear screen from cursor to end of page
                   MON_HOME        .eq     $fc58             ;clear screen and reset text output to top-left
                   MON_SCROLL      .eq     $fc70             ;scroll up one line
                   MON_CLREOL      .eq     $fc9c             ;clear to end of line
                   MON_COUT        .eq     $fded             ;print Acc to output device via $36-37

                                   .org    $8e00
8e00: 4c 0f 8e     hires1_entry    jmp     start

                   NOTE: I'm not sure this is true -- it just seems to skip banner output.
                   ; Per the documentation, this secondary entry point is used when the application
                   ; does not want to use hires page 1 at all, only page 2. It skips clearing and
                   ; enabling HIRES page 1.
8e03: 4c 20 8e     hires2_entry    jmp     L8E20

8e06: 0a           version         .dd1    $0a               ;version number * 10
                   ; Poked by the loader to point to the first alternate charset.
                   ; As this defaults to the builtin charset, both ^A 0 and ^A 1
                   ; will display the builtin charset if no alternates are loaded.
8e07: 00 93        first_charset   .dd2    builtin_charset

                   ; Vectors for user subroutines A (^O ^Y) and B (^O ^Z).
                   ; The user pokes these with the desired addresses. They are
                   ; also initialized on startup and when defaults are restored,
                   ; so the value here is arbitrary.
8e09: 4c 48 90     userA           jmp     return            ;user subroutine A

8e0c: 4c 48 90     userB           jmp     return            ;user subroutine B

8e0f: 20 20 8e     start           jsr     L8E20
                   ; Output our banner to hires screen.
8e12: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
8e14: b9 43 8e     @loop           lda     L8E43,y
8e17: 20 ed fd                     jsr     MON_COUT
8e1a: c8                           iny
8e1b: c0 1d                        cpy     #$1d
8e1d: 90 f5                        bcc     @loop
8e1f: 60                           rts

8e20: a9 75        L8E20           lda     #<ksw_handler
8e22: 85 38                        sta     MON_KSWL
8e24: a9 8e                        lda     #>ksw_handler
8e26: 85 39                        sta     MON_KSWH
8e28: a9 19                        lda     #<csw_handler
8e2a: 85 36                        sta     MON_CSWL
8e2c: a9 8f                        lda     #>csw_handler
8e2e: 85 37                        sta     MON_CSWH
8e30: 20 ea 03                     jsr     DOS_CHARIO        ;connect DOS to our handlers
8e33: 2c 52 c0                     bit     MIXCLR            ;select full screen graphics
8e36: 2c 57 c0                     bit     HIRES             ;select hires graphics
8e39: 20 55 91                     jsr     set_defaults
8e3c: 20 0e 90                     jsr     L900E
8e3f: 2c 50 c0                     bit     TXTCLR            ;actually enable graphics mode
8e42: 60                           rts

8e43: 90           L8E43           .dd1    $90
8e44: c8 c9 ad d2+                 .str    ↑“HI-RES CHAR GEN VERSION 1.0”,$8d
8e60: 00           esc_state       .dd1    $00
8e61: 00           key_state       .dd1    $00               ;keypress state. $80 after ^A, $40 after ^O, or $00
8e62: 20           hires_page      .dd1    $20               ;$20 (hires1) or $40 (hires2)
8e63: 00           inverse_video   .dd1    $00               ;$7f if inverse video active, $00 otherwise
                   NOTE: Looks like a bitfield. If bit 7 ($80) is set, character will overstrike
                   (i.e. the background is ignored). If bit 6 ($40) is set, character will
                   complement (in the shape of its fg or bg).  Apparently, "overstrike" and
                   "transparent" modes ($80) are identical except sourcing from different pages; so
                   are "complement" and "reverse" ($C0) modes. They are probably named in this odd
                   way for mnemonic reasons, matching their control chars.
8e64: 00           transparent_mode .dd1   $00               ;$80=overstrike, $C0=complement, $00=no mask
8e65: 00           overlay_mode    .dd1    $00               ;$60 to use second screen for overlay (^O ^T/^R)
8e66: 00           wrap_mode       .dd1    $00               ;$FF if wrap mode, $00 if scroll
8e67: 00           lower_case      .dd1    $00               ;$80=lower case, $00=upper
8e68: 00 93        active_charset  .dd2    builtin_charset   ;pointer to active charset
8e6a: d0 a0 a0 a0+ var_save        .junk   8                 ;save 8 bytes above during block mode
8e72: 00           block_mode      .dd1    $00               ;$ff=block mode on, $00=off
8e73: 00           block_ch        .dd1    $00               ;home col in block mode, or else $00
8e74: 00           block_cv        .dd1    $00               ;home row in block mode, or else $00

                   ; KSW handler
                   ; Wait for a keypress, blinking the cursor (an underscore) while waiting. The
                   ; "random" KEYIN value is updated similarly to the monitor ROM, though at a
                   ; different rate. Also handle ESC state and commands.
                   ; On entry, A is the char that was present on the text screen (the caller may
                   ; have overwritten it with a cursor, and standard KSW restores it). Y is the
                   ; horizontal cursor position (MON_CH).
                   ; On exit, A is the key pressed. X and Y are preserved.
                   basl            .var    $2a    {addr/1}
                   bash            .var    $2b    {addr/1}
                   saveX           .var    $eb    {addr/1}

8e75: 91 28        ksw_handler     sta     (MON_BASL),y      ;restore char to text screen
8e77: 86 eb                        stx     saveX             ;we reuse X as a counter
8e79: a5 28                        lda     MON_BASL          ;text screen low byte conveniently
8e7b: 85 2a                        sta     basl              ;matches low byte for hires line text*8
8e7d: a5 29                        lda     MON_BASH          ;convert text screen hi byte to hires line
8e7f: 09 1c                        ora     #$1c              ;text 04..07 -> 1C..1F
8e81: 0d 62 8e                     ora     hires_page        ;-> 3C..3F (page 1) or 5C..5F (page 2) 
8e84: 85 2b                        sta     bash              ;== 7th line of each 8-line char
8e86: a2 01                        ldx     #$01              ;initial countdown -- invert almost immediately
8e88: b1 2a                        lda     (basl),y          ;grab the 7th (cursor) line to invert it
8e8a: 48                           pha                       ;also save it on the stack
8e8b: e6 4e        @jiffy          inc     MON_RNDL          ;count up "random" KEYIN value 0000..FFFF
8e8d: d0 0b                        bne     @checkkey         ;check for 8-bit wrap
8e8f: e6 4f                        inc     MON_RNDH          ;and propagate to high byte
8e91: ca                           dex                       ;did we cycle to $FFFF X times?
8e92: d0 06                        bne     @checkkey         ;no, not yet time to invert cursor
                   ; Blink the cursor.
8e94: 49 7f                        eor     #$7f              ;invert cursor line
8e96: 91 2a                        sta     (basl),y          ;and write it to screen
8e98: a2 50                        ldx     #blink_delay      ;countdown until next invert
8e9a: 2c 00 c0     @checkkey       bit     KBD               ;key pressed?
8e9d: 10 ec                        bpl     @jiffy            ;no, continue cycling
8e9f: 68                           pla                       ;an eternity later, a key is pressed
8ea0: 91 2a                        sta     (basl),y          ;restore the original 7th line
8ea2: ba                           tsx
                   NOTE: TODO -- why stack lookbehind
8ea3: bd 04 01                     lda     $0104,x           ;??
8ea6: c9 f8                        cmp     #$f8              ;??
8ea8: ad 00 c0                     lda     KBD               ;get keypress
8eab: 2c 10 c0                     bit     KBDSTRB           ;clear keyboard strobe
8eae: 90 1b                        bcc     @doneX            ;if stack value < $f8 (BIT preserved carry)
8eb0: 48                           pha                       ;save keypress
8eb1: 2c 60 8e                     bit     esc_state         ;esc flag (bit 7) set earlier?
8eb4: 30 18                        bmi     esc_char          ;yes, this is ESC arg
8eb6: c9 9b                        cmp     #$9b              ;ESC pressed now?
8eb8: d0 07                        bne     @check_cr
8eba: a9 80                        lda     #$80              ;yes, ESC pressed
8ebc: 8d 60 8e                     sta     esc_state         ;set ESC flag for next time
8ebf: d0 09                        bne     @doneA            ;always

8ec1: c9 8d        @check_cr       cmp     #$8d              ;return pressed?
8ec3: d0 05                        bne     @doneA
8ec5: 20 8e 92                     jsr     clear_hv_eol
                   NOTE: Need to verify MON_CH is not updated. It's not clear it's absolutely
                   necessary to restore Y based on the ROM. In particular, look at ESC-@ and cursor
8ec8: a4 24        @doneY          ldy     MON_CH            ;restore Y (horiz pos)
8eca: 68           @doneA          pla                       ;restore A (the keypress)
8ecb: a6 eb        @doneX          ldx     saveX             ;restore X
8ecd: 60                           rts

                   ; Handle key pressed in escape mode (in accumulator).
8ece: c9 c9        esc_char        cmp     #‘I’ | $80
8ed0: 90 0c                        bcc     not_esc_ijkm
8ed2: c9 cd                        cmp     #‘M’ | $80
8ed4: f0 36                        beq     esc_c_or_m
8ed6: b0 06                        bcs     not_esc_ijkm
8ed8: c9 cb                        cmp     #‘K’ | $80
8eda: f0 2b                        beq     esc_a_or_k
                   NOTE: How does doing nothing work for ESC J?
8edc: 90 ec                        bcc     @doneA            ;'J' -- do nothing
                   ; Keypress is not IJKM (cursor keys). Disable ESC state going forward.
8ede: 0e 60 8e     not_esc_ijkm    asl     esc_state         ;disable escape state ($80->$00)
8ee1: c9 c0                        cmp     #‘@’ | $80        ;ESC-@ ?
8ee3: d0 06                        bne     not_esc_null
8ee5: 20 71 92                     jsr     clear_home
8ee8: 4c c8 8e                     jmp     @doneY

8eeb: c9 c5        not_esc_null    cmp     #‘E’ | $80
8eed: d0 06                        bne     not_esc_e
8eef: 20 8e 92                     jsr     clear_hv_eol
8ef2: 4c c8 8e                     jmp     @doneY

8ef5: c9 c6        not_esc_e       cmp     #‘F’ | $80
8ef7: d0 06                        bne     not_esc_f
8ef9: 20 7b 92                     jsr     clear_hv_eowin
8efc: 4c c8 8e                     jmp     @doneY

8eff: c9 c3        not_esc_f       cmp     #‘C’ | $80
8f01: f0 09                        beq     esc_c_or_m
8f03: c9 c1                        cmp     #‘A’ | $80
8f05: d0 c3                        bne     @doneA
                   ; After ESC, ABCD and IJKM are cursor movement synonyms, except ABCD exits
                   ; escape mode after one keypress, and IJKM remains in escape mode.
8f07: c8           esc_a_or_k      iny
8f08: c4 21                        cpy     MON_WNDWDTH
8f0a: 90 bc                        bcc     @doneY
8f0c: a4 25        esc_c_or_m      ldy     MON_CV
8f0e: c8                           iny
8f0f: c4 23                        cpy     MON_WNDBTM
8f11: 90 b5                        bcc     @doneY
8f13: 20 22 92                     jsr     scroll
8f16: 4c c8 8e                     jmp     @doneY

                   saveY           .var    $35    {addr/1}   ;preserve Y
                   saveX           .var    $eb    {addr/1}   ;preserve X
                   saveA           .var    $ff    {addr/1}   ;preserve A

8f19: 85 ff        csw_handler     sta     saveA             ;preserve A/X/Y
8f1b: 86 eb                        stx     saveX
8f1d: 84 35                        sty     saveY
8f1f: 20 29 8f                     jsr     @csw1
8f22: a4 35                        ldy     saveY
8f24: a6 eb                        ldx     saveX
8f26: a5 ff                        lda     saveA
8f28: 60                           rts

8f29: 29 7f        @csw1           and     #$7f
8f2b: 0e 61 8e                     asl     key_state         ;was set to $80 by Ctrl-A keypress
8f2e: b0 57                        bcs     ctrl_a_arg        ;so if carry set after ASL, key is arg to Ctrl-A
8f30: c9 20                        cmp     #$20              ;control char 00..1f
8f32: 90 03                        bcc     control_char
8f34: 4c 7c 91                     jmp     draw_char         ;draw char to screen, probably

                   ; Control char 00..1f encountered in output string. Jump to corresponding
                   ; function in table if 00..1a (@-Z), or do nothing (?) if 1b..1f. Note Ctrl-@ is
                   ; not documented.
8f37: c9 1b        control_char    cmp     #$1b
8f39: b0 0a                        bcs     @ret              ;1b..1f are not operations
8f3b: 0a                           asl     A                 ;offset is 2*jump entry
8f3c: aa                           tax
8f3d: bd 4a 8f                     lda     function_table+1,x ;put jump table entry on stack
8f40: 48                           pha
8f41: bd 49 8f                     lda     function_table,x  ;for jump via RTS
8f44: 48                           pha
8f45: 0e 61 8e     @ret            asl     key_state         ;sets carry if contained $80
8f48: 60                           rts                       ;execute function 00..1b

                   ; Jump table used by previous subroutine to handle control character input (with
                   ; low byte -1 for RTS adjustment). Function names are based on the toolkit
                   ; documentation, with the control char ("CB" for ^B) prepended. This is a state
                   ; machine and a couple chars only have meaning after a ^O; those have e.g. "COR"
                   ; for ^O ^R prepended.
8f49: 47 90        function_table  .dd2    return-1          ;^@ -- noop
8f4b: 7e 8f                        .dd2    CA_select_charset-1 ;^A -- select charset
8f4d: aa 8f                        .dd2    CB_begin_block-1
8f4f: d2 8f                        .dd2    CC_carriage_return-1
8f51: ed 8f                        .dd2    CD_delimit_block-1
8f53: 1b 90                        .dd2    CE_clear_eol-1
8f55: 23 90                        .dd2    CF_clear_eop-1
8f57: dc fb                        .dd2    MON_BELL-1        ;^G -- sound bell
8f59: 2b 90                        .dd2    CH_backspace-1    ;^H move cursor left (no rubout)
8f5b: 40 90                        .dd2    CI_inverse_video-1
8f5d: 04 92                        .dd2    CJ_linefeed-1
8f5f: 48 90                        .dd2    CK_caps_lock-1
8f61: 50 90                        .dd2    CL_lower_case-1
8f63: 58 90                        .dd2    CM_unknown?-1
8f65: 73 90                        .dd2    CN_normal_video-1
8f67: 7b 90                        .dd2    CO_option_sel-1
8f69: 8e 90                        .dd2    CP_clear_page-1
8f6b: 9f 90                        .dd2    CQ_home_cursor-1
8f6d: ae 90                        .dd2    COR_reverse-1
8f6f: bb 90                        .dd2    CS_shift-1
8f71: c9 90                        .dd2    COT_transparent-1
8f73: 47 90                        .dd2    return-1          ;Ctrl-U -- noop
8f75: d6 90                        .dd2    CV_textwin_ul-1
8f77: 04 91                        .dd2    CW_textwin_lr-1
8f79: 47 90                        .dd2    return-1          ;Ctrl-X -- noop
8f7b: 2b 91                        .dd2    CY_textwin_full-1
8f7d: 52 91                        .dd2    CZ_restore_default-1

                   ; Ctrl-A -- select charset.
8f7f: b0 24        CA_select_charset bcs   COA_primary_hires1 ;^O ^A -- primary screen 1
8f81: a9 80                        lda     #$80              ;set flag indicating Ctrl-A was pressed
8f83: 8d 61 8e                     sta     key_state
8f86: 60                           rts

                   ; Process ^A argument, the charset number to activate. Anything other than 1..9
                   ; selects the builtin charset. 1 selects the lowest charset in memory, 2 selects
                   ; lowest + $0300, and so on.
                   ; There is no further bounds check on the charset number, so if you select
                   ; charset 4 when 3 are loaded, you will get garbage. (Since LOADHRCG loads
                   ; charsets directly below HRCG, charsets 4 and 5 would be HRCG code and charset
                   ; 6 is $100 into the builtin charset, which effectively shifts uppercase to
                   ; lowercase!)
                   temp            .var    $ee    {addr/1}   ;temp for multiply by 3

8f87: e9 31        ctrl_a_arg      sbc     #$31              ;convert digit 1..9 ($31..39) to $00..$08
8f89: c9 09                        cmp     #$09              ;check if char was < 1 or > 9
8f8b: b0 0d                        bcs     @use_internal     ;via unsigned cmp >= $09, so $00..$08 are valid
8f8d: ae 07 8e                     ldx     first_charset     ;X = low byte of lowest charset in memory
8f90: 85 ee                        sta     temp              ;now compute page offset; 3 pages per charset
8f92: 0a                           asl     A
8f93: 65 ee                        adc     temp              ;A = A * 3 via temp
8f95: 6d 08 8e                     adc     first_charset+1   ;A = high byte of desired charset
8f98: d0 04                        bne     @update_charset   ;questionable -- tests for zero page?
8f9a: a2 00        @use_internal   ldx     #<builtin_charset ;select builtin charset, usually when 0 pressed
8f9c: a9 93                        lda     #>builtin_charset
8f9e: 8e 68 8e     @update_charset stx     active_charset
8fa1: 8d 69 8e                     sta     active_charset+1
8fa4: 60                           rts

8fa5: a9 20        COA_primary_hires1 lda  #$20              ;write to hires 1 ($2000) now
8fa7: 8d 62 8e                     sta     hires_page
8faa: 60                           rts

8fab: b0 20        CB_begin_block  bcs     COB_primary_hires2
8fad: 2c 72 8e                     bit     block_mode
8fb0: 30 10                        bmi     L8FC2
8fb2: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
8fb4: 8d 72 8e                     sta     block_mode
8fb7: a0 07                        ldy     #$07              ;length of variable area
8fb9: b9 62 8e     L8FB9           lda     hires_page,y      ;save variables
8fbc: 99 6a 8e                     sta     var_save,y        ;for when we delimit block
8fbf: 88                           dey
8fc0: 10 f7                        bpl     L8FB9
8fc2: a5 24        L8FC2           lda     MON_CH
8fc4: 8d 73 8e                     sta     block_ch
8fc7: a5 25                        lda     MON_CV
8fc9: 8d 74 8e                     sta     block_cv
8fcc: 60                           rts

8fcd: a9 40        COB_primary_hires2 lda  #$40              ;write to hires 2 ($4000) now
8fcf: 8d 62 8e                     sta     hires_page
8fd2: 60                           rts

8fd3: b0 0e        CC_carriage_return bcs  COC_complement    ;^O ^C -- complement
8fd5: ad 73 8e                     lda     block_ch
8fd8: c5 24                        cmp     MON_CH
8fda: 85 24                        sta     MON_CH
8fdc: f0 02                        beq     L8FE0
8fde: b0 68                        bcs     return
8fe0: 4c 05 92     L8FE0           jmp     CJ_linefeed

8fe3: a9 c0        COC_complement  lda     #$c0
8fe5: 8d 64 8e                     sta     transparent_mode
8fe8: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8fea: 8d 65 8e                     sta     overlay_mode
8fed: 60                           rts

8fee: b0 1e        CD_delimit_block bcs    L900E
8ff0: 2c 72 8e                     bit     block_mode
8ff3: 10 53                        bpl     return
8ff5: a0 07                        ldy     #$07              ;length of variable area
8ff7: b9 6a 8e     L8FF7           lda     var_save,y        ;restore original variables
8ffa: 99 62 8e                     sta     hires_page,y      ;saved during block begin
8ffd: 88                           dey
8ffe: 10 f7                        bpl     L8FF7
9000: a9 00                        lda     #$00
9002: 8d 72 8e                     sta     block_mode
9005: 8d 73 8e                     sta     block_ch
9008: a5 22                        lda     MON_WNDTOP
900a: 8d 74 8e                     sta     block_cv
900d: 60                           rts

900e: 2c 54 c0     L900E           bit     TXTPAGE1
9011: ad 62 8e                     lda     hires_page
9014: c9 40                        cmp     #$40
9016: d0 30                        bne     return
9018: 2c 55 c0                     bit     TXTPAGE2
901b: 60                           rts

901c: b0 2a        CE_clear_eol    bcs     return
901e: 20 8e 92                     jsr     clear_hv_eol
9021: 4c 9c fc                     jmp     MON_CLREOL        ;sync the text screen

                   ; Ctrl-F -- clear to end of page.
9024: b0 22        CF_clear_eop    bcs     return
9026: 20 7b 92                     jsr     clear_hv_eowin
9029: 4c 42 fc                     jmp     MON_CLREOP        ;sync the text screen

                   ; Move the cursor backward one space.
902c: c6 24        CH_backspace    dec     MON_CH
902e: 10 18                        bpl     return
9030: a5 21                        lda     MON_WNDWDTH
9032: 85 24                        sta     MON_CH
9034: c6 24                        dec     MON_CH
9036: a5 22                        lda     MON_WNDTOP
9038: c5 25                        cmp     MON_CV
903a: b0 0c                        bcs     return
903c: c6 25                        dec     MON_CV
903e: 4c 22 fc                     jmp     MON_VTAB

9041: b0 05        CI_inverse_video bcs    return
9043: a9 7f                        lda     #$7f
9045: 8d 63 8e                     sta     inverse_video
9048: 60           return          rts

9049: b0 fd        CK_caps_lock    bcs     return
904b: a9 00                        lda     #$00
904d: 8d 67 8e                     sta     lower_case
9050: 60                           rts

9051: b0 f5        CL_lower_case   bcs     return
9053: a9 80                        lda     #$80
9055: 8d 67 8e                     sta     lower_case
9058: 60                           rts

9059: ac 00 c0     CM_unknown?     ldy     KBD
905c: 10 13                        bpl     L9071
905e: c0 93                        cpy     #$93
9060: d0 0f                        bne     L9071
9062: 2c 10 c0                     bit     KBDSTRB
9065: ac 00 c0     L9065           ldy     KBD
9068: 10 fb                        bpl     L9065
906a: c0 83                        cpy     #$83
906c: f0 03                        beq     L9071
906e: 2c 10 c0                     bit     KBDSTRB
9071: 4c 01 92     L9071           jmp     cr_lf

9074: b0 d2        CN_normal_video bcs     return            ;^O ^N -- unused
9076: a9 00                        lda     #$00
9078: 8d 63 8e                     sta     inverse_video
907b: 60                           rts

907c: b0 06        CO_option_sel   bcs     set_overstrike    ;second ^O -- overstrike
907e: a9 40                        lda     #$40              ;first ^O -- record in state machine
9080: 8d 61 8e                     sta     key_state
9083: 60                           rts

9084: a9 80        set_overstrike  lda     #$80
9086: 8d 64 8e                     sta     transparent_mode
9089: a9 00                        lda     #$00
908b: 8d 65 8e                     sta     overlay_mode
908e: 60                           rts

908f: b0 06        CP_clear_page   bcs     COP_print         ;^O ^P -- print
9091: 20 71 92                     jsr     clear_home        ;plain ^P
9094: 4c 58 fc                     jmp     MON_HOME

                   ; Set overwrite ("print") mode, the default mode, where character bg and fg both
                   ; replace underlying graphics.
9097: a9 00        COP_print       lda     #$00
9099: 8d 64 8e                     sta     transparent_mode
909c: 8d 65 8e                     sta     overlay_mode
909f: 60                           rts

90a0: b0 a6        CQ_home_cursor  bcs     return            ;^O ^Q -- unused
90a2: ad 73 8e                     lda     block_ch
90a5: 85 24                        sta     MON_CH
90a7: ad 74 8e                     lda     block_cv
90aa: 85 25                        sta     MON_CV
90ac: 4c 24 fc                     jmp     MON_VTABZ

90af: 90 74        COR_reverse     bcc     return1           ;^R -- unused
90b1: a9 c0                        lda     #$c0              ;^O ^R
90b3: 8d 64 8e                     sta     transparent_mode
90b6: a9 60                        lda     #$60
90b8: 8d 65 8e                     sta     overlay_mode
90bb: 60                           rts

90bc: b0 06        CS_shift        bcs     COS_scroll
90be: a9 c0                        lda     #$c0
90c0: 8d 67 8e                     sta     lower_case
90c3: 60                           rts

90c4: a9 00        COS_scroll      lda     #$00
90c6: 8d 66 8e                     sta     wrap_mode
90c9: 60                           rts

90ca: 90 59        COT_transparent bcc     return1           ;plain ^T -- unused
90cc: a9 80                        lda     #$80              ;^O ^T
90ce: 8d 64 8e                     sta     transparent_mode
90d1: a9 60                        lda     #$60
90d3: 8d 65 8e                     sta     overlay_mode
90d6: 60                           rts

90d7: b0 4c        CV_textwin_ul   bcs     return1           ;^O ^V -- unused
90d9: a5 24                        lda     MON_CH            ;window-relative
90db: 65 20                        adc     MON_WNDLEFT
90dd: c9 28                        cmp     #40               ;Ensure left is < 40
90df: 90 02                        bcc     @setleft
90e1: a9 27                        lda     #39
90e3: 85 20        @setleft        sta     MON_WNDLEFT
90e5: 38                           sec
90e6: a5 21                        lda     MON_WNDWDTH
90e8: e5 24                        sbc     MON_CH
90ea: 85 21                        sta     MON_WNDWDTH
90ec: a9 00                        lda     #$00
90ee: 85 24                        sta     MON_CH
90f0: a5 25                        lda     MON_CV
90f2: c9 18                        cmp     #24               ;Ensure top is < 24
90f4: 90 02                        bcc     @settop
90f6: a9 17                        lda     #23
90f8: 85 22        @settop         sta     MON_WNDTOP
90fa: 2c 72 8e                     bit     block_mode
90fd: 30 03                        bmi     @vtab
90ff: 8d 74 8e                     sta     block_cv          ;update block top if block mode
9102: 4c 22 fc     @vtab           jmp     MON_VTAB

9105: b0 1f        CW_textwin_lr   bcs     COW_wrap
9107: a5 24                        lda     MON_CH
9109: 85 21                        sta     MON_WNDWDTH
910b: 65 20                        adc     MON_WNDLEFT
910d: c9 28                        cmp     #40
910f: 90 06                        bcc     L9117
9111: a9 27                        lda     #39
9113: e5 20                        sbc     MON_WNDLEFT
9115: 85 21                        sta     MON_WNDWDTH
9117: e6 21        L9117           inc     MON_WNDWDTH
9119: a5 25                        lda     MON_CV
911b: c9 18                        cmp     #24
911d: 90 02                        bcc     L9121
911f: a9 17                        lda     #23
9121: 85 23        L9121           sta     MON_WNDBTM
9123: e6 23                        inc     MON_WNDBTM
9125: 60           return1         rts

9126: a9 ff        COW_wrap        lda     #$ff
9128: 8d 66 8e                     sta     wrap_mode
912b: 60                           rts

912c: b0 22        CY_textwin_full bcs     COY_userA
912e: a5 20        textwin_full    lda     MON_WNDLEFT
9130: 65 24                        adc     MON_CH
9132: 85 24                        sta     MON_CH
9134: a9 00                        lda     #$00
9136: 85 20                        sta     MON_WNDLEFT
9138: 85 22                        sta     MON_WNDTOP
913a: 2c 72 8e                     bit     block_mode
913d: 30 06                        bmi     @block
913f: 8d 73 8e                     sta     block_ch          ;set to $00 when not in block mode
9142: 8d 74 8e                     sta     block_cv          ;but should already have been $00 outside block mode
9145: a9 28        @block          lda     #40
9147: 85 21                        sta     MON_WNDWDTH
9149: a9 18                        lda     #24
914b: 85 23                        sta     MON_WNDBTM
914d: 4c 22 fc                     jmp     MON_VTAB

9150: 4c 09 8e     COY_userA       jmp     userA

9153: b0 24        CZ_restore_default bcs  COZ_userB
9155: a9 00        set_defaults    lda     #$00
9157: a0 12                        ldy     #$12              ;zero out 13 bytes of variable data
9159: 99 62 8e     @zero           sta     hires_page,y
915c: 88                           dey
915d: 10 fa                        bpl     @zero
915f: 20 2e 91                     jsr     textwin_full
9162: 20 9a 8f                     jsr     @use_internal
9165: 20 a5 8f                     jsr     COA_primary_hires1
                   ; Amusingly, this sets the user jump vectors to a different RTS (return1)
                   ; than the one included in the file (return).
9168: a9 25                        lda     #<return1
916a: 8d 0a 8e                     sta     userA+1
916d: 8d 0d 8e                     sta     userB+1
9170: a9 91                        lda     #>return1
9172: 8d 0b 8e                     sta     userA+2
9175: 8d 0e 8e                     sta     userB+2
9178: 60                           rts

9179: 4c 0c 8e     COZ_userB       jmp     userB

                   NOTE: Below, "caps lock" refers to the default state where uppercase and
                   lowercase are printed without modification (we should call it "unmodified"
                   state) -- it does not force everything to uppercase. "lowercase mode" prints
                   both as lowercase. "shift" prints the first char as unmodified, then switches to
                   lowercase mode.
                   ; Draw char to hires screen and (invisibly) to text screen, scrolling or
                   ; wrapping both as needed.
                   screen          .var    $ec    {addr/2}   ;screen address to read from
                   charptr         .var    $ee    {addr/2}   ;pointer to this char bitmap

917c: 0e 61 8e     draw_char       asl     key_state         ;if waiting for arg to ^O,
917f: b0 a4                        bcs     return1           ;  cancel ^O and return
9181: 2c 67 8e                     bit     lower_case        ;enforced lowercase?
9184: 10 0f                        bpl     @unmodified       ;no, unmodified char
9186: 50 05                        bvc     @lower            ;lowercase, but shift disengaged
9188: 0e 67 8e                     asl     lower_case        ;shift engaged; mode $c0->$80 sets followup lowercase
918b: b0 08                        bcs     @unmodified       ;always (unmodified initial char)
                   ; Charsets cover keys $20..$7f, so normally we align the effective char# to
                   ; $00..$5f by subtracting $20 from the key. But if lowercase is enforced, we
                   ; skip the adjustment for A-Z, as lowercase is uppercase+$20.
918d: c9 41        @lower          cmp     #‘A’
918f: 90 04                        bcc     @unmodified       ;key < A, do not lowercase
9191: c9 5b                        cmp     #‘[’              ;'Z'+1
9193: 90 03                        bcc     @draw             ;A-Z -- make it lowercase
9195: 38           @unmodified     sec                       ;key is unmodified, so
9196: e9 20                        sbc     #$20              ;align $20..$7f to $00..$5f
                   ; A now contains the index into the charset for this key, $00..$5f. We multiply
                   ; this by 8 (bytes/char) to get the byte offset. Finally we add this offset to
                   ; the active charset address to get the char's bitmap pointer. The bit
                   ; manipulation below is just an 8x8=16bit multiply (really a 3-bit left shift of
                   ; 8 bits into 16) followed by a 16-bit add.
9198: 0a           @draw           asl     A                 ;Multiply A by 2
9199: 26 ef                        rol     charptr+1         ;shift the overflow into high byte
919b: 0a                           asl     A                 ;by 4
919c: 26 ef                        rol     charptr+1         ;shift again
919e: 0a                           asl     A                 ;by 8
919f: 26 ef                        rol     charptr+1         ;shift again
91a1: 18                           clc
91a2: 6d 68 8e                     adc     active_charset    ;16-bit add (low)
91a5: 85 ee                        sta     charptr           ;char bitmap (low)
91a7: a5 ef                        lda     charptr+1         ;get high byte from 8x8 multiply
91a9: 29 07                        and     #$07              ;limit to the 3 shifted bits
91ab: 6d 69 8e                     adc     active_charset+1  ;16-bit add (high)
91ae: 85 ef                        sta     charptr+1         ;char bitmap (high)
                   ; charptr now points to the bitmap for this char.
91b0: 20 cc 92                     jsr     compute_cur_base  ;get hires addr of first col of this row
91b3: 65 24                        adc     MON_CH            ;A is basl, add column position
91b5: 85 2a                        sta     basl              ;basl += col; dest addr to write to
91b7: 85 ec                        sta     screen            ;<screen = basl; source addr when combining
91b9: a5 2b                        lda     bash
91bb: 4d 65 8e                     eor     overlay_mode      ;eor $60 flips $20 to $40 and vice versa
91be: 85 ed                        sta     screen+1          ;>screen = bash, adjusted for source hires page
91c0: a4 24                        ldy     MON_CH
91c2: a5 ff                        lda     saveA             ;recall original keypress value
91c4: 91 28                        sta     (MON_BASL),y      ;and store to text screen
91c6: a2 00                        ldx     #$00              ;for (zp) indexing, X always 0
91c8: a0 00                        ldy     #$00              ;line number in char
                   ; Read a bitmap line, combine it with the source, and write it to the screen.
91ca: b1 ee        @charline       lda     (charptr),y       ;load 7-pixel char line
91cc: 4d 63 8e                     eor     inverse_video     ;flip all bits if inverted
91cf: 2c 64 8e                     bit     transparent_mode  ;check overstrike method
91d2: 10 11                        bpl     @store            ;if bit 7 clear, opaque
91d4: 70 0d                        bvs     @complement       ;if bit 6 set
91d6: 2c 63 8e                     bit     inverse_video     ;is inverse_video set ($7f)
91d9: 70 04                        bvs     @invert           ;yes, bit 6 set when $7f
91db: 01 ec                        ora     (screen,x)        ;combine (OR, blend) with source pixels
91dd: 50 06                        bvc     @store            ;always

91df: 21 ec        @invert         and     (screen,x)        ;combine (AND) source with char mask
91e1: 70 02                        bvs     @store

91e3: 41 ec        @complement     eor     (screen,x)        ;flip (XOR) source with char mask (X=0)
91e5: 81 2a        @store          sta     (basl,x)          ;update screen (X=0)
91e7: c8                           iny                       ;next char line
91e8: c0 08                        cpy     #$08
91ea: b0 0d                        bcs     @chardone         ;wrote 8 lines, done
91ec: a5 2b                        lda     bash
91ee: 69 04                        adc     #$04              ;(carry is clear)
91f0: 85 2b                        sta     bash              ;next hires line is +$0400
91f2: 4d 65 8e                     eor     overlay_mode      ;adjust source addr for overlay mode again
91f5: 85 ed                        sta     screen+1          ;update source addr
91f7: 90 d1                        bcc     @charline         ;always
91f9: e6 24        @chardone       inc     MON_CH            ;update horiz pos
91fb: a5 24                        lda     MON_CH
91fd: c5 21                        cmp     MON_WNDWDTH       ;did we exceed window width?
91ff: 90 20                        bcc     @return           ;no, we are done
                   ; Move cursor to beginning of line (CR) and then fall through to linefeed (LF).
9201: a9 00        cr_lf           lda     #$00              ;reset col to beginning of line
9203: 85 24                        sta     MON_CH
                   ; Move the cursor to the next row, without changing the column -- a linefeed.
                   ; Wrap or scroll as needed if we reached the bottom.
9205: e6 25        CJ_linefeed     inc     MON_CV            ;go to next line
9207: a5 25                        lda     MON_CV
9209: c5 23                        cmp     MON_WNDBTM        ;check vertical pos
920b: 90 11                        bcc     @reposition       ;still within window
920d: 2c 66 8e                     bit     wrap_mode         ;in wrap mode (bit 6)?
9210: 70 08                        bvs     @wrap             ;yes; wrap to top
9212: c6 25                        dec     MON_CV            ;scrolling; adjust pos to last line
9214: 20 22 92                     jsr     scroll            ;scroll hires window
9217: 4c 70 fc                     jmp     MON_SCROLL        ;scroll text window and exit

921a: a5 22        @wrap           lda     MON_WNDTOP        ;set vert pos to top of window
921c: 85 25                        sta     MON_CV
921e: 20 24 fc     @reposition     jsr     MON_VTABZ         ;reposition text mode cursor
9221: 60           @return         rts

                   ; Scroll hires window up one row, clearing the last row.
9222: a5 22        scroll          lda     MON_WNDTOP
9224: 48                           pha                       ;save row number
9225: 20 ce 92                     jsr     compute_base
                   ; On the last iteration through the start_eol line loop drawing hires lines 0..7
                   ; of row N, bash is $3c, $3d, $3e or $3f for line 7, and we wind up here again
                   ; for line 0 of row N+1. (bash is not incremented to line 8.) AND #$E3 makes
                   ; that $20, $21, $22, or $23, effectively taking bash back to line 0. Since bash
                   ; always points to the next line (the copy source), we can now store this in
                   ; screen (dest), increasing it by one row. basl/h is then recomputed after
                   ; adding 1 to the row.
                   ; Equivalently, a mask of $e3 zeros the 3 bits 4, 3, and 2. Assume these are
                   ; zeroed in the address corresponding to line 0, the first of 8 lines. Then,
                   ; adding $0400 to this address (to reach the next hires line) sets bit 2, and
                   ; adding $0400 7 times to reach line 7 will set bits 4, 3 and 2 (0b111 == 7). So
                   ; AND #$E3 is the same as subtracting $04*7==$1C (0b00011100) from the high
                   ; byte, returning the pointer to line 0.
9228: a5 2a        @next_row       lda     basl
922a: 85 ec                        sta     screen
922c: a5 2b                        lda     bash
922e: 29 e3                        and     #$e3              ;return bash line 7 to line 0
9230: 85 ed                        sta     screen+1          ;inc dest line by 8 (row by 1)
9232: 68                           pla                       ;restore row number
9233: 18                           clc
9234: 69 01                        adc     #$01              ;inc row
9236: c5 23                        cmp     MON_WNDBTM        ;did we hit bottom?
9238: b0 22                        bcs     @clear_last       ;yes, finish up
923a: 48                           pha                       ;save row number (for next loop, above)
923b: 20 ce 92                     jsr     compute_base      ;set basl/bash for next line
923e: a2 07                        ldx     #$07              ;8 rows, char height
9240: a4 21        @start_eol      ldy     MON_WNDWDTH       ;start at end of window line
9242: 88                           dey
9243: b1 2a        @copy_byte      lda     (basl),y          ;copy byte
9245: 91 ec                        sta     (screen),y
9247: 88                           dey                       ;and move from right to left
9248: 10 f9                        bpl     @copy_byte        ;until beginning of line
924a: ca                           dex                       ;copied all 8 lines?
924b: 30 db                        bmi     @next_row         ;yes, next row (basl/h not inc'd)
                   ; Go to next hires line in 8-line group, at +$0400. By line 7 we will have added
                   ; $1C00.
924d: 18                           clc
924e: a5 2b                        lda     bash
9250: 69 04                        adc     #$04
9252: 85 2b                        sta     bash
9254: a5 ed                        lda     screen+1
9256: 69 04                        adc     #$04
9258: 85 ed                        sta     screen+1
925a: d0 e4                        bne     @start_eol        ;start next row
                   ; Clear the last line to complete the scroll up.
925c: ad 64 8e     @clear_last     lda     transparent_mode
925f: 48                           pha
9260: a5 23                        lda     MON_WNDBTM
9262: e9 01                        sbc     #$01
9264: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
9266: 8c 64 8e                     sty     transparent_mode
9269: 20 92 92                     jsr     clear_eol
926c: 68                           pla
926d: 8d 64 8e                     sta     transparent_mode
9270: 60                           rts

9271: a5 22        clear_home      lda     MON_WNDTOP
9273: 85 25                        sta     MON_CV
9275: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
9277: 84 24                        sty     MON_CH
9279: f0 04                        beq     clear_eowin       ;always

927b: a4 24        clear_hv_eowin  ldy     MON_CH
927d: a5 25                        lda     MON_CV
                   ; On entry, A/Y are the row/col to begin clearing from. Clears from this
                   ; position to bottom of window.
927f: 48           clear_eowin     pha                       ;preserve line #
9280: 20 92 92                     jsr     clear_eol
9283: 68                           pla
9284: 18                           clc
9285: 69 01                        adc     #$01              ;next line
9287: c5 23                        cmp     MON_WNDBTM        ;until end of window
9289: a0 00                        ldy     #$00              ;start at col 0
928b: 90 f2                        bcc     clear_eowin
928d: 60                           rts

                   ; Load current H/V pos into Y/A and fall through to clear_eol.
                   hpos            .var    $ee    {addr/1}   ;starting column

928e: a4 24        clear_hv_eol    ldy     MON_CH
9290: a5 25                        lda     MON_CV
                   ; Clear line from column Y, row A to end of that line.
9292: 84 ee        clear_eol       sty     hpos              ;save starting column
9294: 20 ce 92                     jsr     compute_base
9297: a2 07                        ldx     #$07              ;clear 8 hires lines
                   ; If transparent mode is disabled, we just want to clear by writing 7 black
                   ; (normal, $00)  or white (inverse, $7f) pixels. This conveniently corresponds
                   ; to the value of inverse_video.  
9299: ad 63 8e     @clrline        lda     inverse_video     ;load $7f or $00 for opaque mode
929c: 2c 64 8e                     bit     transparent_mode
929f: 10 15                        bpl     @store            ;if opaque, skip to storing
92a1: a5 2a                        lda     basl
92a3: 85 ec                        sta     screen
92a5: a5 2b                        lda     bash
92a7: 4d 65 8e                     eor     overlay_mode
92aa: 85 ed                        sta     screen+1
92ac: b1 ec                        lda     (screen),y
92ae: 2c 64 8e                     bit     transparent_mode
92b1: 50 03                        bvc     @store
92b3: 4d 63 8e                     eor     inverse_video
92b6: 91 2a        @store          sta     (basl),y
92b8: c8                           iny
92b9: c4 21                        cpy     MON_WNDWDTH       ;end of screen?
92bb: 90 dc                        bcc     @clrline          ;nope, keep clearing line
92bd: ca                           dex                       ;one line complete
92be: 30 0b                        bmi     @done             ;if all lines complete, done
92c0: a4 ee                        ldy     hpos              ;restore starting column
92c2: a5 2b                        lda     bash
92c4: 18                           clc
92c5: 69 04                        adc     #$04              ;hi byte adds $04 per line
92c7: 85 2b                        sta     bash              ;update hi byte of screen address
92c9: d0 ce                        bne     @clrline          ;next line -- always
92cb: 60           @done           rts

                   * Compute hires base address of a text line, the first line of every 8 line    *
                   * character; i.e. 0, 8, 16, ... The line# is the current text row. On exit,    *
                   * basl/bash has the address, and A has a copy of basl.                         *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * The high byte is the same for even/odd pairs, so we divide the row by 2;     *
                   * then take this modulo 4 and OR in the hires page.                            *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * For even/odd pairs the low byte is the same but with bit 7 clear (even) or   *
                   * set (odd). We can use a 12-byte (24/2) table lookup and set bit 7 according  *
                   * to even/odd.                                                                 *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * The trick is the LSR A preserves this even/odd information in the carry,     *
                   * which is still available when we reach the ROR A, which rotates the carry    *
                   * into the high bit, exactly as we needed. The byte values in the address      *
                   * table are doubled to account for the ROR. So, for the 24 text lines, the     *
                   * hires address base will go                                                   *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * 2000, 2080, 2100, 2180, 2200, 2280, 2300, 2380,       0..7                   *
                   * 2028, 20a8, 2128, 21a8, 2228, 22a8, 2328, 23a8,       8..15                  *
                   * 2050, 20d0, 2150, 21d0, 2250, 22d0, 2350, 23d0        16..23                 *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * as expected for each 8 line interval on the hires screen.                    *
92cc: a5 25        compute_cur_base lda    MON_CV            ;get current text row
92ce: 4a           compute_base    lsr     A                 ;div by 2 *and* set carry if odd
92cf: aa                           tax                       ;save for indexing below
92d0: 29 03                        and     #$03              ;$20,$20,$21,$21,$22,$22,$23,$23, then repeat
92d2: 0d 62 8e                     ora     hires_page        ;(or $40,$40,$41... if page 2)
92d5: 85 2b                        sta     bash              ;is the high byte
92d7: bd e0 92                     lda     hires_addr_tbl,x  ;index is row/2
                   ; 00, 50, a0 in table become 00, 28, 50 (even rows) or 80, a8, d0 (odd rows).
92da: 6a                           ror     A                 ;/2; carry from LSR becomes high bit
92db: 65 20                        adc     MON_WNDLEFT       ;adjust for window left (ROR cleared carry)
92dd: 85 2a                        sta     basl              ;is the low byte
92df: 60                           rts

92e0: 00 00 00 00+ hires_addr_tbl  .bulk   0000000050505050a0a0a0a0 ;12 bytes (24 lines)
92ec: b9 a2 a0 d2+                 .align  $0100 (20 bytes)  ;unused area

                   ; Standard monochrome (1bpp) 7x8 font bitmap, 1 byte per character line, 8
                   ; consecutive bytes (lines) per character. High bit is unused. Covers 96 high
                   ; ASCII chars A0-FF.
9300: 00 00 00 00+ builtin_charset .bulk   0000000000000000  ; space
9308: 08 08 08 08+                 .bulk   0808080808000800  ; !
9310: 14 14 14 00+                 .bulk   1414140000000000  ; "
9318: 14 14 3e 14+                 .bulk   14143e143e141400  ; #
9320: 08 3c 0a 1c+                 .bulk   083c0a1c281e0800  ; $
9328: 06 26 10 08+                 .bulk   0626100804323000  ; etc.
9330: 04 0a 0a 04+                 .bulk   040a0a042a122c00
9338: 08 08 08 00+                 .bulk   0808080000000000
9340: 08 04 02 02+                 .bulk   0804020202040800
9348: 08 10 20 20+                 .bulk   0810202020100800
9350: 08 2a 1c 08+                 .bulk   082a1c081c2a0800
9358: 00 08 08 3e+                 .bulk   0008083e08080000
9360: 00 00 00 00+                 .bulk   0000000008080400
9368: 00 00 00 3e+                 .bulk   0000003e00000000
9370: 00 00 00 00+                 .bulk   0000000000000800
9378: 00 20 10 08+                 .bulk   0020100804020000
9380: 1c 22 32 2a+                 .bulk   1c22322a26221c00
9388: 08 0c 08 08+                 .bulk   080c080808081c00
9390: 1c 22 20 18+                 .bulk   1c22201804023e00
9398: 3e 20 10 18+                 .bulk   3e20101820221c00
93a0: 10 18 14 12+                 .bulk   101814123e101000
93a8: 3e 02 1e 20+                 .bulk   3e021e2020221c00
93b0: 38 04 02 1e+                 .bulk   3804021e22221c00
93b8: 3e 20 10 08+                 .bulk   3e20100804040400
93c0: 1c 22 22 1c+                 .bulk   1c22221c22221c00
93c8: 1c 22 22 3c+                 .bulk   1c22223c20100e00
93d0: 00 00 08 00+                 .bulk   0000080008000000
93d8: 00 00 08 00+                 .bulk   0000080008080400
93e0: 10 08 04 02+                 .bulk   1008040204081000
93e8: 00 00 3e 00+                 .bulk   00003e003e000000
93f0: 04 08 10 20+                 .bulk   0408102010080400
93f8: 1c 22 10 08+                 .bulk   1c22100808000800
9400: 1c 22 2a 3a+                 .bulk   1c222a3a1a023c00
9408: 08 14 22 22+                 .bulk   081422223e222200
9410: 1e 22 22 1e+                 .bulk   1e22221e22221e00
9418: 1c 22 02 02+                 .bulk   1c22020202221c00
9420: 1e 22 22 22+                 .bulk   1e22222222221e00
9428: 3e 02 02 1e+                 .bulk   3e02021e02023e00
9430: 3e 02 02 1e+                 .bulk   3e02021e02020200
9438: 3c 02 02 02+                 .bulk   3c02020232223c00
9440: 22 22 22 3e+                 .bulk   2222223e22222200
9448: 1c 08 08 08+                 .bulk   1c08080808081c00
9450: 20 20 20 20+                 .bulk   2020202020221c00
9458: 22 12 0a 06+                 .bulk   22120a060a122200
9460: 02 02 02 02+                 .bulk   0202020202023e00
9468: 22 36 2a 2a+                 .bulk   22362a2a22222200
9470: 22 22 26 2a+                 .bulk   2222262a32222200
9478: 1c 22 22 22+                 .bulk   1c22222222221c00
9480: 1e 22 22 1e+                 .bulk   1e22221e02020200
9488: 1c 22 22 22+                 .bulk   1c2222222a122c00
9490: 1e 22 22 1e+                 .bulk   1e22221e0a122200
9498: 1c 22 02 1c+                 .bulk   1c22021c20221c00
94a0: 3e 08 08 08+                 .bulk   3e08080808080800
94a8: 22 22 22 22+                 .bulk   2222222222221c00
94b0: 22 22 22 22+                 .bulk   2222222222140800
94b8: 22 22 22 2a+                 .bulk   2222222a2a362200
94c0: 22 22 14 08+                 .bulk   2222140814222200
94c8: 22 22 14 08+                 .bulk   2222140808080800
94d0: 3e 20 10 08+                 .bulk   3e20100804023e00
94d8: 3e 06 06 06+                 .bulk   3e06060606063e00
94e0: 00 02 04 08+                 .bulk   0002040810200000
94e8: 3e 30 30 30+                 .bulk   3e30303030303e00
94f0: 00 00 08 14+                 .bulk   0000081422000000
94f8: 00 00 00 00+                 .bulk   000000000000007f
9500: 04 08 10 00+                 .bulk   0408100000000000
9508: 00 00 1c 20+                 .bulk   00001c203c223c00
9510: 02 02 1e 22+                 .bulk   02021e2222221e00
9518: 00 00 3c 02+                 .bulk   00003c0202023c00
9520: 20 20 3c 22+                 .bulk   20203c2222223c00
9528: 00 00 1c 22+                 .bulk   00001c223e023c00
9530: 18 24 04 1e+                 .bulk   1824041e04040400
9538: 00 00 1c 22+                 .bulk   00001c22223c201c
9540: 02 02 1e 22+                 .bulk   02021e2222222200
9548: 08 00 0c 08+                 .bulk   08000c0808081c00
9550: 10 00 18 10+                 .bulk   100018101010120c
9558: 02 02 22 12+                 .bulk   020222120e122200
9560: 0c 08 08 08+                 .bulk   0c08080808081c00
9568: 00 00 36 2a+                 .bulk   0000362a2a2a2200
9570: 00 00 1e 22+                 .bulk   00001e2222222200
9578: 00 00 1c 22+                 .bulk   00001c2222221c00
9580: 00 00 1e 22+                 .bulk   00001e22221e0202
9588: 00 00 3c 22+                 .bulk   00003c22223c2020
9590: 00 00 3a 06+                 .bulk   00003a0602020200
9598: 00 00 3c 02+                 .bulk   00003c021c201e00
95a0: 04 04 1e 04+                 .bulk   04041e0404241800
95a8: 00 00 22 22+                 .bulk   0000222222322c00
95b0: 00 00 22 22+                 .bulk   0000222222140800
95b8: 00 00 22 22+                 .bulk   000022222a2a3600
95c0: 00 00 22 14+                 .bulk   0000221408142200
95c8: 00 00 22 22+                 .bulk   00002222223c201c
95d0: 00 00 3e 10+                 .bulk   00003e1008043e00
95d8: 38 0c 0c 06+                 .bulk   380c0c060c0c3800
95e0: 08 08 08 08+                 .bulk   0808080808080808
95e8: 0e 18 18 30+                 .bulk   0e18183018180e00
95f0: 2c 1a 00 00+                 .bulk   2c1a000000000000
95f8: 7f 7f 7f 7f+                 .bulk   7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f

Symbol Table

No exported symbols found.