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RLOAD Disassembly

                   * RLOAD is the second link in the RBOOT -> RLOAD -> MODULE chain. RBOOT places *
                   * RLOAD in low memory in free heap space just after BASIC variables, relocates *
                   * any 16-bit address operands, and sets the BASIC USR() vector to point to it. *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * RLOAD is called via ADRS=USR(0),"MODULE[,Sn,Dn]" and loads relocatable       *
                   * module MODULE just under HIMEM, relocating it and returning its address.     *
                   * HIMEM is also updated to protect it.                                         *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * RLOAD relocation is much more sophisticated than RBOOT, which effectively    *
                   * disassembles code and looks for 16-bit address operands that appear to point *
                   * to its own code. RLOAD relies on a relocation table generated at assembly    *
                   * time, which points to every operand to be relocated, and even works on 8-bit *
                   * immediate HI/LO bytes.                                                       *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Once finished, RLOAD itself is expendable and may be overwritten by variable *
                   * or string allocation.                                                        *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Analysis by Jim Ursetto with 6502bench SourceGen v1.7.3                      *
                   rload_end       .eq     $06    {addr/2}   ;passed from RBOOT; end of our own code
                   BAS_MEMSIZE     .eq     $73    {addr/2}   ;HIMEM (2b)
                   BAS_CHRGET      .eq     $b1               ;get next character or Applesoft token
                   BAS_CHRGOT      .eq     $b7               ;get next, but don't advance TXTPTR
                   BAS_ERRNUM      .eq     $de
                   BAS_REMSTK      .eq     $f8               ;stack pointer saved before each statement
                   DOS_FM          .eq     $03d6             ;DOS file manager entry point
                   DOS_LOCFPL      .eq     $03dc             ;loads Y/A with address of FM param list
                   DOS_LOCRPL      .eq     $03e3             ;loads Y/A with address of RWTS IOB
                   BAS_GIVAYF      .eq     $e2f2             ;convert 16-bit (A,Y) to float, store in FAC
                   BAS_HANDLERR    .eq     $f2e9             ;routine to handle errors if onerr goto active

                                   .org    $0800
                   rwts_iob        .var    $fb    {addr/2}   ;ptr to RWTS parameter list

0800: 20 e3 03     usr_entry       jsr     DOS_LOCRPL
0803: 84 fb                        sty     rwts_iob
0805: 85 fc                        sta     rwts_iob+1
0807: a0 01                        ldy     #$01
0809: b1 fb                        lda     (rwts_iob),y      ;get current slot number*16
080b: 4a                           lsr     A
080c: 4a                           lsr     A
080d: 4a                           lsr     A
080e: 4a                           lsr     A
080f: 8d 6c 0b                     sta     slot              ;set default slot
0812: c8                           iny
0813: b1 fb                        lda     (rwts_iob),y      ;get current drive number
0815: 8d 6d 0b                     sta     drive             ;set default drive
0818: a0 1d                        ldy     #$1d              ;30 byte filename
081a: a9 a0                        lda     #‘ ’ | $80
081c: 99 6e 0b     @clear_fn       sta     filename,y        ;clear filename
081f: 88                           dey
0820: 10 fa                        bpl     @clear_fn
0822: 20 b7 00                     jsr     BAS_CHRGOT
0825: d0 08        parse_begin     bne     parse_args
0827: a2 0b        error_0b        ldx     #$0b
0829: 2c                           bit ▼   $02a2
082a: a2 02        error_02        ldx     #$02
082c: 4c d8 08                     jmp     onerr

                   * The USR arg list must start with a quoted filename, but can optionally be    *
                   * preceded by any number of commas. The filename may end in a quote or just    *
                   * EOL. All spaces are ignored, so the filename on disk cannot contain any. A   *
                   * slot and/or drive arg is accepted (with the numeric value being range-       *
                   * checked) and if specified multiple times, the last takes effect. Junk after  *
                   * the slot/drive number is ignored. Other args are disallowed.                 *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Accepted examples:                                                           *
                   * USR(0)"HRCG"                -> HRCG, current slot & drive                    *
                   * USR(0)"HRCG, S6, D1"        -> HRCG, slot 6, drive 1                         *
                   * USR(0)"H R C G,S6"          -> HRCG, slot 6                                  *
                   * USR(0),,,"HRCG,S6FOO,D2BAZ  -> HRCG, slot 6, drive 2                         *
                   * USR(0),"HRCG,S6,S7,D1,D2"   -> HRCG, slot 7, drive 2                         *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Disallowed examples:                                                         *
                   * USR(0),HRCG                 -> no open quote                                 *
                   * USR(0),"HRCG,,S6"           -> empty arg                                     *
                   * USR(0),"HRCG,S6,"           -> empty arg                                     *
                   * USR(0),"HRCG,S8"            -> illegal slot number                           *
                   * USR(0),"HRCG,D3"            -> illegal drive number                          *
082f: 90 f6        parse_args      bcc     error_0b          ;first arg char cannot be a digit
0831: c9 2c                        cmp     #‘,’
0833: d0 06                        bne     demand_quote
0835: 20 b1 00                     jsr     BAS_CHRGET
0838: 4c 25 08                     jmp     parse_begin

083b: c9 22        demand_quote    cmp     #‘"’
083d: d0 e8                        bne     error_0b
083f: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
0841: f0 0a                        beq     copy_filename     ;always

                   ; Copy filename, ending in a comma, quote or end of line.
                   ; If a comma is encountered, parse slot (Sn) and/or drive (Dn) arg.
0843: 09 80        copy_fn_char    ora     #$80
0845: 99 6e 0b                     sta     filename,y
0848: c8                           iny
0849: c0 1e                        cpy     #$1e              ;stop after 30 bytes
084b: b0 0f                        bcs     discard_to_comma  ;and look for slot/drive
084d: 20 b1 00     copy_filename   jsr     BAS_CHRGET
0850: f0 3a                        beq     end_of_args
0852: 90 ef                        bcc     copy_fn_char      ;it is a digit
0854: c9 2c                        cmp     #‘,’
0856: f0 0d                        beq     parse_slot
0858: c9 22                        cmp     #‘"’
085a: d0 e7                        bne     copy_fn_char
                   ; discard rest of argument, until comma/eol
085c: 20 b1 00     discard_to_comma jsr    BAS_CHRGET
085f: f0 2b                        beq     end_of_args
0861: c9 2c                        cmp     #‘,’
0863: d0 f7                        bne     discard_to_comma
                   ; Parse slot (Sn) n=1..7 and drive (Dn) n=1..2. Extraneous chars until the next
                   ; comma or EOL are ignored, e.g. "NAME,S6FOOBAR,D2BAZ" parses. 
0865: 20 b1 00     parse_slot      jsr     BAS_CHRGET
0868: f0 bd                        beq     error_0b
086a: c9 53                        cmp     #‘S’              ;slot, e.g. S6
086c: d0 0b                        bne     parse_drive
086e: 20 0a 0a                     jsr     parse_1_thru_7
0871: b0 b7                        bcs     error_02
0873: 8d 6c 0b                     sta     slot              ;use specified slot instead of the default
0876: 4c 5c 08                     jmp     discard_to_comma

0879: c9 44        parse_drive     cmp     #‘D’              ;drive, e.g. D1
087b: d0 aa                        bne     error_0b
087d: 20 0a 0a                     jsr     parse_1_thru_7
0880: b0 a8                        bcs     error_02
0882: c9 03                        cmp     #$03              ;ensure drive 1 or 2
0884: b0 a4                        bcs     error_02
0886: 8d 6d 0b                     sta     drive
0889: 4c 5c 08                     jmp     discard_to_comma

                   ; $fb changes meanings a few times. First it is RWTS IOB, then it is the module
                   ; ORG (load address from file), and finally it points to the end of relocated
                   ; file in memory.
                   module_org      .var    $fb    {addr/2}   ;unrelocated org (addr) of module
                   load_addr       .var    $fd    {addr/2}   ;relocated module load address

088c: a9 00        end_of_args     lda     #$00
088e: 85 fd                        sta     load_addr         ;why initialize this to zero
0890: 85 fe                        sta     load_addr+1
                   ; It's possible "inc reloc_flag" is conditionally assembled; if present, as
                   ; here, the flag is 1 and relocation is enabled.
                   ; (It would be shorter to lda #0/#1 + sta instead of sta+inc.)
0892: 8d 92 0b                     sta     reloc_flag
0895: ee 92 0b                     inc     reloc_flag        ;$01 (relocate) in normal operation
0898: 20 1d 0a                     jsr     open_file
089b: 20 e2 0a                     jsr     setup_read_1byte  ;setup FM to read 1 byte at current filepos
089e: 20 18 0b                     jsr     call_fm_get_byte
08a1: 85 fb                        sta     module_org        ;<org
08a3: 20 18 0b                     jsr     call_fm_get_byte
08a6: 85 fc                        sta     module_org+1      ;>org
08a8: 20 18 0b                     jsr     call_fm_get_byte  ;<len (ignored)
08ab: 20 18 0b                     jsr     call_fm_get_byte  ;>len (ignored)
                   ; Relocatable modules have an extra 2 bytes at the beginning, before the code
                   ; starts. In HRCG, this is $00 $08. This is the 16-bit length of the module
                   ; code, with the remainder a relocation table.
08ae: 20 18 0b                     jsr     call_fm_get_byte  ;in HRCG, $00
08b1: 8d 8e 0b                     sta     module_len        ;length of module code
08b4: 20 18 0b                     jsr     call_fm_get_byte  ;in HRCG, $08
08b7: 8d 8f 0b                     sta     module_len+1
08ba: 18                           clc
08bb: a5 73                        lda     BAS_MEMSIZE
08bd: ed 8e 0b                     sbc     module_len
08c0: 85 fd                        sta     load_addr         ;load at HIMEM - module_len
08c2: a5 74                        lda     BAS_MEMSIZE+1
08c4: ed 8f 0b                     sbc     module_len+1
08c7: 85 fe                        sta     load_addr+1
08c9: a5 06                        lda     rload_end         ;passed from RBOOT
08cb: c5 fd                        cmp     load_addr
08cd: a5 07                        lda     rload_end+1
08cf: e5 fe                        sbc     load_addr+1
08d1: 90 0d                        bcc     @cont             ;enough space, rload_end < load_addr
08d3: a2 0e                        ldx     #$0e              ;not enough memory, error $0E
                   ; Close and exit with error. Input: X=errno.
08d5: 20 8f 0a     close_onerr     jsr     close_fm          ;close the open relocatable file
08d8: 86 de        onerr           stx     BAS_ERRNUM        ;set onerr number
08da: a6 f8                        ldx     BAS_REMSTK        ;restore stack
08dc: ba                           tsx
08dd: 4c ef f2                     jmp     BAS_HANDLERR+6    ;handle onerr condition

08e0: ad 92 0b     @cont           lda     reloc_flag
08e3: f0 21                        beq     @no_reloc
                   ; Compute relocation delta if relocation enabled.
08e5: a5 fd                        lda     load_addr
08e7: 38                           sec
08e8: e5 fb                        sbc     module_org
08ea: 8d 8c 0b                     sta     reloc_delta       ;load_addr - module_org = relocation delta
08ed: a5 fe                        lda     load_addr+1
08ef: e5 fc                        sbc     module_org+1
08f1: 8d 8d 0b                     sta     reloc_delta+1
                   * In normal operation, this sets the file's load address to the start address  *
                   * in high memory. But if const_one is set to zero, the load address is set to  *
                   * the module's ORG. some_params is set to end of file in both cases (i.e.      *
                   * offset +worklen). In other words, 0 seems to disable relocation.             *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * There's some redundancy here to support both modes. Simplified:              *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * adrs = load_addr                                                             *
                   * some_params = worklen + load_addr                                            *
                   * load_addr = adrs                                                             *
                   * ----                                                                         *
                   * adrs = some_params ;org                                                      *
                   * some_params = worklen + some_params                                          *
                   * load_addr = adrs                                                             *
08f4: ad 92 0b                     lda     reloc_flag
08f7: f0 0d                        beq     @no_reloc
                   ; Relocation enabled; module loads at relocated addr near HIMEM.
08f9: a5 fd                        lda     load_addr
08fb: 8d 90 0b                     sta     adrs
08fe: a5 fe                        lda     load_addr+1
0900: 8d 91 0b                     sta     adrs+1
0903: 4c 10 09                     jmp     @compute_end

                   ; Relocation disabled; module loads at its ORG (file address).
0906: a5 fb        @no_reloc       lda     module_org
0908: 8d 90 0b                     sta     adrs
090b: a5 fc                        lda     module_org+1
090d: 8d 91 0b                     sta     adrs+1
                   ; Compute end address of relocated file in memory, and store it in $fb (which
                   ; changes meaning yet again).
                   file_end        .var    $fb    {addr/2}   ;end of module in memory
                   file_addr       .var    $fd    {addr/2}   ;used for indexing into module; was load_addr

0910: ad 8e 0b     @compute_end    lda     module_len        ;file_end = adrs + module_len
0913: 18                           clc
0914: 6d 90 0b                     adc     adrs
0917: 85 fb                        sta     file_end          ;clobbers some_params, but it was stored in L0B8C
0919: ad 8f 0b                     lda     module_len+1
091c: 6d 91 0b                     adc     adrs+1
091f: 85 fc                        sta     file_end+1
                   ; Load the file into memory 1 byte at a time at ADRS, which is not particularly
                   ; fast. Stops when address file_end is reached.
0921: ad 90 0b                     lda     adrs              ;start at ADRS
0924: 85 fd                        sta     file_addr
0926: ad 91 0b                     lda     adrs+1
0929: 85 fe                        sta     file_addr+1
092b: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
092d: 20 18 0b     @read_byte      jsr     call_fm_get_byte  ;read 1 byte
0930: 91 fd                        sta     (file_addr),y
0932: e6 fd                        inc     file_addr
0934: d0 02                        bne     @nowrap
0936: e6 fe                        inc     file_addr+1
0938: a5 fd        @nowrap         lda     file_addr
093a: c5 fb                        cmp     file_end          ;read until file_end
093c: a5 fe                        lda     file_addr+1
093e: e5 fc                        sbc     file_end+1
0940: 90 eb                        bcc     @read_byte        ;read next byte
0942: ad 92 0b                     lda     reloc_flag        ;done reading, are we relocating?
0945: d0 03                        bne     @relocate         ;relocate loaded module
0947: 4c e6 09                     jmp     return_adrs       ;no relocation, return ADRS to BASIC

                   * Process the relocation table entries present at the end of the module code.  *
                   * Each entry is 4 bytes long: an 8-bit entry type, a 16-bit code offset, and a *
                   * final byte as argument or ignored. At each offset we find and relocate a 16- *
                   * bit address, or an 8-bit address representing the low or high byte of an     *
                   * address.                                                                     *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * 81 YY XX 00: Relocate 16-bit address $HHLL at offset +$XXYY                  *
                   * 41 YY XX NN: Relocate  8-bit hi byte $HHNN at offset +$XXYY                  *
                   * 01 YY XX 00: Relocate  8-bit lo byte $00LL at offset +$XXYY                  *
                   * A1 YY XX 00: Relocate 16-bit address $LLHH at offset +$XXYY                  *
                   * 00: End table                                                                *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Only bits 7, 6 and 5 of the entry type are significant in RLOAD, so $90      *
                   * should work the same as $81, but types in the wild seem to use the canonical *
                   * forms above. (I have not observed $A1 in use.)                               *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Note: The table starts in the file at module_len bytes after the start of    *
                   * code. B-type files have a 4-byte header and R-type files have a 6 byte       *
                   * header, so if examining a module in a non-relocation-aware way (such as      *
                   * plain BLOAD), the table appears to start 2 bytes later than expected ($9602  *
                   * in HRCG).                                                                    *
094a: a9 00        @relocate       lda     #$00
094c: 8d 8e 0b                     sta     module_len        ;now used as a temp reloc_addr arg
094f: 8d 8f 0b                     sta     module_len+1
0952: 20 18 0b                     jsr     call_fm_get_byte  ;byte 1
0955: 8d 93 0b                     sta     entry_type
0958: 20 18 0b                     jsr     call_fm_get_byte  ;<index into file (?) -- byte 2
095b: 18                           clc
095c: 6d 90 0b                     adc     adrs
095f: 85 fd                        sta     file_addr         ;<index into file in memory
0961: 08                           php                       ;preserve adc carry thru jsr
0962: 20 18 0b                     jsr     call_fm_get_byte  ;>index into file (?) -- byte 3
0965: 28                           plp                       ;restore carry
0966: 6d 91 0b                     adc     adrs+1
0969: 85 fe                        sta     file_addr+1       ;>index into file in memory
096b: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
096d: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff              ;mask $ff sets Z flag if byte is zero
096f: 2c 93 0b                     bit     entry_type        ;update Z, N, V
0972: f0 72                        beq     return_adrs       ;end on 0 byte. file length ignored.
0974: 30 2b                        bmi     @reloc_addr       ;if byte bit 7 set
0976: 70 13                        bvs     @reloc_hi         ;if byte bit 6 set
                   NOTE: Below, module_len is reused as a temporary subroutine argument to
                   reloc_addr. It is an address to relocate, no longer the module length. But we
                   can't rename it in the disassembly as it isn't a local variable.
                   ; This entry type has bit 6 and 7 clear and is non-zero.
                   ; Relocate 8-bit address. The high byte of the result is discarded so this wraps
                   ; around at $FF. This can be used in conjunction with reloc_hi to relocate a 16-
                   ; bit address split across non-consecutive bytes -- see below.
0978: b1 fd        @reloc_lo       lda     (file_addr),y     ;flag byte is $01..$3F
097a: 8d 8e 0b                     sta     module_len        ;read low byte only
097d: 20 f6 09                     jsr     reloc_addr        ;relocate it (high byte don't care)
0980: ad 8e 0b                     lda     module_len
0983: 91 fd                        sta     (file_addr),y     ;write only low byte back
0985: 20 18 0b                     jsr     call_fm_get_byte  ;discard byte 4
0988: 4c 4a 09                     jmp     @relocate

                   * Relocate an 8-bit value, treated as the high byte of an address. The low     *
                   * byte is taken from byte 4 of the entry, not from the code. After relocation  *
                   * the high byte is written back and the low byte discarded (but may have       *
                   * impacted the high byte via carry).                                           *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * This can be used in tandem with reloc_lo to relocate a 16-bit value split    *
                   * into two parts. For example, to relocate VAR ($8E75) in                      *
                   *                                                                              *
                   *   LDA #$75   ; #<VAR                                                         *
                   *   STA $38                                                                    *
                   *   LDA #$8E   ; #>VAR                                                         *
                   *   STA $39                                                                    *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * you would reloc_lo the byte $75, and then reloc_hi the byte $8E, with the    *
                   * low byte (entry byte 4) set to $75. The assembler knows that this is a split *
                   * address and can remember the low byte when creating the reloc_hi entry.      *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Similarly, this could relocate a jump table with low bytes on one page and   *
                   * high bytes on another.                                                       *
098b: b1 fd        @reloc_hi       lda     (file_addr),y     ;flag byte is $40-$7F
098d: 8d 8f 0b                     sta     module_len+1      ;read low byte to reloc high byte
0990: 20 18 0b                     jsr     call_fm_get_byte
0993: 8d 8e 0b                     sta     module_len        ;read byte 4 to reloc low byte
0996: 20 f6 09                     jsr     reloc_addr        ;relocate
0999: ad 8f 0b                     lda     module_len+1
099c: 91 fd                        sta     (file_addr),y     ;and write reloc high byte back
099e: 4c 4a 09                     jmp     @relocate

                   ; Relocate a 16-bit address. The offset of the address in the module code is
                   ; taken from bytes 2 (low) and 3 (high). Byte 4 is ignored. The 16-bit address
                   ; at this offset is relocated in place. If bit 5 is set, the address to relocate
                   ; is big-endian.
09a1: a9 20        @reloc_addr     lda     #$20
09a3: 2d 93 0b                     and     entry_type        ;test bit 5
09a6: d0 1f                        bne     @reloc_addr_swap  ;bit 5 set -- big-endian address
09a8: b1 fd                        lda     (file_addr),y     ;entry type is $8x or $9x
09aa: 8d 8e 0b                     sta     module_len        ;store address in bytes 2-3 in module_len temp
09ad: c8                           iny
09ae: b1 fd                        lda     (file_addr),y
09b0: 8d 8f 0b                     sta     module_len+1
09b3: 20 f6 09                     jsr     reloc_addr        ;relocate the temp address
09b6: ad 8f 0b                     lda     module_len+1
09b9: 91 fd                        sta     (file_addr),y     ;and write it back to the file
09bb: 88                           dey                       ;(read index 0,1 and write index 1,0)
09bc: ad 8e 0b                     lda     module_len
09bf: 91 fd                        sta     (file_addr),y
09c1: 20 18 0b                     jsr     call_fm_get_byte  ;discard byte 4
09c4: 4c 4a 09                     jmp     @relocate

                   ; Same as reloc_addr, but the address to relocate is byte-swapped (big-endian).
                   ; Swap when reading so we can relocate it, but write it back in big-endian
                   ; order.
09c7: b1 fd        @reloc_addr_swap lda    (file_addr),y     ;$Ax, $Bx .. $Fx
09c9: 8d 8f 0b                     sta     module_len+1      ;read low address byte into high reloc byte
09cc: c8                           iny
09cd: b1 fd                        lda     (file_addr),y
09cf: 8d 8e 0b                     sta     module_len        ;and high addr byte into low reloc byte
09d2: 20 f6 09                     jsr     reloc_addr        ;relocate little-endian address
09d5: ad 8e 0b                     lda     module_len
09d8: 91 fd                        sta     (file_addr),y     ;write low reloc byte into high byte
09da: 88                           dey
09db: ad 8f 0b                     lda     module_len+1      ;write high reloc byte into low byte
09de: 91 fd                        sta     (file_addr),y
09e0: 20 18 0b                     jsr     call_fm_get_byte  ;discard byte 4
09e3: 4c 4a 09                     jmp     @relocate

                   ; Set HIMEM to ADRS (the starting address of the module), and return ADRS from
                   ; USR(0) as a floating point value, continuing on the interpreter.
09e6: 20 8f 0a     return_adrs     jsr     close_fm
09e9: ac 90 0b                     ldy     adrs
09ec: 84 73                        sty     BAS_MEMSIZE
09ee: ad 91 0b                     lda     adrs+1
09f1: 85 74                        sta     BAS_MEMSIZE+1
09f3: 4c f2 e2                     jmp     BAS_GIVAYF        ;float signed int in A,Y

                   ; Relocate the address in module_len in place by adding the relocation delta.
09f6: 18           reloc_addr      clc
09f7: ad 8c 0b                     lda     reloc_delta
09fa: 6d 8e 0b                     adc     module_len
09fd: 8d 8e 0b                     sta     module_len
0a00: ad 8d 0b                     lda     reloc_delta+1
0a03: 6d 8f 0b                     adc     module_len+1
0a06: 8d 8f 0b                     sta     module_len+1
0a09: 60                           rts

                   ; Parse a number 1-7, returning $01-$07 in A. Carry set on parse error.
0a0a: 20 b1 00     parse_1_thru_7  jsr     BAS_CHRGET
0a0d: b0 0c                        bcs     @parse_err
0a0f: c9 31                        cmp     #‘1’
0a11: 90 08                        bcc     @parse_err
0a13: c9 38                        cmp     #‘8’
0a15: b0 04                        bcs     @parse_err
0a17: 29 0f                        and     #$0f
0a19: 18                           clc
0a1a: 60                           rts

0a1b: 38           @parse_err      sec
0a1c: 60                           rts

                   ; Opens 'filename', acquiring a free DOS buffer. buf_fn_ptr and fm_param_data
                   ; are updated accordingly.
                   ; A/X/Y are preserved.
                   fm_params       .var    $f9    {addr/2}   ;ptr to DOS FM parameter list
                   buf_fn_ptr      .var    $fb    {addr/2}   ;filename pointer in DOS buffer

0a1d: 48           open_file       pha                       ;save X/Y
0a1e: 98                           tya
0a1f: 48                           pha
0a20: 8a                           txa
0a21: 48                           pha
0a22: 20 b4 0a                     jsr     find_free_buffer  ;overwrites $fb
0a25: a0 1d                        ldy     #$1d              ;copy filename into DOS buffer
0a27: b9 6e 0b     @copy_fn        lda     filename,y
0a2a: 91 fb                        sta     (buf_fn_ptr),y
0a2c: 88                           dey
0a2d: 10 f8                        bpl     @copy_fn
0a2f: 20 dc 03                     jsr     DOS_LOCFPL        ;get FM param list location into fm_params
0a32: 84 f9                        sty     fm_params
0a34: 85 fa                        sta     fm_params+1
0a36: a0 15                        ldy     #$15
0a38: a9 00                        lda     #$00
0a3a: 99 56 0b     @clear_fm_data  sta     fm_param_data,y   ;clear 16-byte local FM param list
0a3d: 88                           dey
0a3e: 10 fa                        bpl     @clear_fm_data
                   ; Copy the matching values from the DOS buffer (directly after the filename
                   ; entry at $00-$1d) into the local FM param list: file manager workarea buffer
                   ; (0C/0D), T/S sector buffer (0E/0F), and data sector buffer (10/11).
0a40: a0 1e                        ldy     #$1e              ;push 6 bytes $1e-$23 on the stack
0a42: b1 fb        @push_byte      lda     (buf_fn_ptr),y    ;from the free DOS buffer
0a44: 48                           pha
0a45: c8                           iny
0a46: c0 24                        cpy     #$24
0a48: d0 f8                        bne     @push_byte
0a4a: a0 05                        ldy     #$05              ;pull 6 bytes from stack
0a4c: 68           @copy_byte      pla
0a4d: 99 62 0b                     sta     fm_param_data+12,y ;and copy to $0C-$11 of local FM params
0a50: 88                           dey
0a51: 10 f9                        bpl     @copy_byte
                   ; Set up the rest of the OPEN call parameters.
0a53: a9 01                        lda     #$01              ;OPEN
0a55: 8d 56 0b                     sta     fm_param_data
0a58: a9 00                        lda     #$00              ;N/A
0a5a: 8d 57 0b                     sta     fm_param_data+1
0a5d: a9 01                        lda     #$01              ;record length 1
0a5f: 8d 58 0b                     sta     fm_param_data+2
0a62: a9 00                        lda     #$00
0a64: 8d 59 0b                     sta     fm_param_data+3
0a67: ad 6d 0b                     lda     drive
0a6a: 8d 5b 0b                     sta     fm_param_data+5
0a6d: ad 6c 0b                     lda     slot
0a70: 8d 5c 0b                     sta     fm_param_data+6
                   ; This is not R (relocatable) type $08, but it doesn't matter: this value is
                   ; ignored unless creating the file. The type of the OPENed file is returned in
                   ; byte 7, but we never check it.
0a73: a9 04                        lda     #$04              ;B (binary) type
0a75: 8d 5d 0b                     sta     fm_param_data+7
                   ; Using ptr_to_filename lets us get the relocated address of filename, whereas
                   ; loading an immediate LO and HI byte would not.
0a78: ad 53 0b                     lda     ptr_to_filename   ;lda #<filename
0a7b: 8d 5e 0b                     sta     fm_param_data+8
0a7e: ad 54 0b                     lda     ptr_to_filename+1 ;lda #>filename
0a81: 8d 5f 0b                     sta     fm_param_data+9
0a84: a2 01                        ldx     #$01              ;do not create file if missing
0a86: 20 27 0b                     jsr     call_fm_with_data ;open the file
0a89: 68                           pla                       ;restore A/X/Y
0a8a: aa                           tax
0a8b: 68                           pla
0a8c: a8                           tay
0a8d: 68                           pla
0a8e: 60                           rts

                   NOTE: Here buf_fn_ptr is computed as the FM work area (buf+$200) + $2D, which
                   happens to be same as the filename entry (buf+$22D). It's possible this is
                   already set correctly on entry.
                   ; Close the file represented by fm_param_data. As per API, write 0 into the
                   ; first byte of the filename entry to mark it unused.
0a8f: 98           close_fm        tya                       ;save X and Y
0a90: 48                           pha
0a91: 8a                           txa
0a92: 48                           pha
0a93: a9 02                        lda     #$02              ;CLOSE
0a95: 8d 56 0b                     sta     fm_param_data
0a98: 20 27 0b                     jsr     call_fm_with_data
0a9b: ad 62 0b                     lda     fm_param_data+12  ;get file manager workarea buffer
0a9e: 18                           clc
0a9f: 69 2d                        adc     #$2d              ;plus $2D bytes for filename entry
0aa1: 85 fb                        sta     buf_fn_ptr
0aa3: ad 63 0b                     lda     fm_param_data+13  ;and save it for writing into
0aa6: 69 00                        adc     #$00
0aa8: 85 fc                        sta     buf_fn_ptr+1
0aaa: a9 00                        lda     #$00              ;write 0 into filename entry (buf+$200+$2D)
0aac: a8                           tay
0aad: 91 fb                        sta     (buf_fn_ptr),y
0aaf: 68                           pla                       ;restore X and Y
0ab0: aa                           tax
0ab1: 68                           pla
0ab2: a8                           tay
0ab3: 60                           rts

                   ; Find the first free DOS buffer and return a pointer to it (its filename entry,
                   ; as is standard) in $FB. Preserves A/Y and exits ONERR if no buffers available.
0ab4: 48           find_free_buffer pha                      ;preserve A/Y
0ab5: 98                           tya
0ab6: 48                           pha
                   ; This locates DOS. In the tiny DOS_LOCFPL subroutine at $3DC, there is a LDA
                   ; $9D0F, where "9D" (at $3DE) is changed by DOS to match its load address. (Ex:
                   ; $9D00 on 48K+ machines, $3D00 on 24K, $1D00 on 16K.) $9D0E/F is always +$0E
                   ; into DOS and is a well-known constant holding the address of the FM param
                   ; list. Although there are other vectors in the $3D0 list, they were not
                   ; guaranteed to point to the first page of DOS.
                   buf_fn_ptr      .var    $fb    {addr/2}   ;address of ptr to DOS buffer (filename)

0ab7: ad de 03                     lda     DOS_LOCFPL+2
0aba: 85 fc                        sta     buf_fn_ptr+1
0abc: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
0abe: 84 fb                        sty     buf_fn_ptr        ;$9D00 is first link in chain
0ac0: f0 02                        beq     @get_fn_entry     ;always. BIT would save 1 byte

                   ; Follow the chain of DOS buffers to find a free one. The chain starts at $9D00,
                   ; pointing to the filename entry in the first buffer. Subsequent filename
                   ; pointers are at filename + $24. Note the clever use of the #$00 index for
                   ; $9D00 followed by #$24 thereafter.
                   ; bufptr = $9D00
                   ; n = 0
                   ; do {
                   ;  bufptr = *(bufptr+n)
                   ;  if (!bufptr) { error }   // no more buffers
                   ;  if (!*bufptr) { return } // found free buffer
                   ;  n = $24
                   ; }
                   ; Buffer format:
                   ; $9d00: ptr to filename entry in first buffer
                   ; buf: the DOS buffer
                   ; buf+$22d: filename entry (null bytes if unused)
                   ; buf+$22d+$24: ptr to filename entry in next buffer
0ac2: a0 24        @next_buffer    ldy     #$24              ;address of next buffer ($22D + $24 = $251)
0ac4: b1 fb        @get_fn_entry   lda     (buf_fn_ptr),y    ;get low byte of next filename address
0ac6: 48                           pha
0ac7: c8                           iny
0ac8: b1 fb                        lda     (buf_fn_ptr),y    ;...get high byte
0aca: d0 02                        bne     @check_free       ;redundant instruction
0acc: f0 0f                        beq     @error            ;high byte zero, no more buffers; error

0ace: 85 fc        @check_free     sta     buf_fn_ptr+1      ;set dos_addr to the address of the first buffer
0ad0: 68                           pla
0ad1: 85 fb                        sta     buf_fn_ptr
0ad3: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
0ad5: b1 fb                        lda     (buf_fn_ptr),y    ;get first filename byte
0ad7: d0 e9                        bne     @next_buffer      ;non-zero, buffer occupied
0ad9: 68                           pla
0ada: a8                           tay
0adb: 68                           pla
0adc: 60                           rts

0add: a2 0c        @error          ldx     #$0c              ;no buffers available
0adf: 4c d5 08                     jmp     close_onerr

                   ; Set up fm_param_data to READ 1 byte at the current file position. Byte
                   ; returned at param offset $08.
0ae2: 48           setup_read_1byte pha                      ;save A/X/Y
0ae3: 98                           tya
0ae4: 48                           pha
0ae5: 8a                           txa
0ae6: 48                           pha
0ae7: a9 03                        lda     #$03
0ae9: d0 07                        bne     @cont             ;always -- unused entry point ahead

                   ; This is unused, but if you were to enter here, it would set up fm_param_data
                   ; to WRITE 1 byte instead of READ.
0aeb: 48           @setup_write_1byte pha
0aec: 98                           tya
0aed: 48                           pha
0aee: 8a                           txa
0aef: 48                           pha
0af0: a9 04                        lda     #$04
0af2: 8d 56 0b     @cont           sta     fm_param_data     ;READ (03)
0af5: a9 01                        lda     #$01
0af7: 8d 57 0b                     sta     fm_param_data+1   ;subcode: read 1 byte
0afa: a9 00                        lda     #$00
0afc: 8d 58 0b                     sta     fm_param_data+2   ;unused
0aff: 8d 59 0b                     sta     fm_param_data+3   ;unused
0b02: 8d 5a 0b                     sta     fm_param_data+4   ;unused
0b05: 8d 5b 0b                     sta     fm_param_data+5   ;unused
0b08: a9 01                        lda     #$01
0b0a: 8d 5c 0b                     sta     fm_param_data+6   ;1 byte
0b0d: a9 00                        lda     #$00
0b0f: 8d 5d 0b                     sta     fm_param_data+7
0b12: 68                           pla                       ;restore A/X/Y
0b13: aa                           tax
0b14: 68                           pla
0b15: a8                           tay
0b16: 68                           pla
0b17: 60                           rts

                   ; Call DOS FM, assuming you already set up a 1-byte READ call
                   ; (setup_read_1byte), and returns the byte in A.
                   ; Preserves X/Y.
0b18: 98           call_fm_get_byte tya
0b19: 48                           pha
0b1a: 8a                           txa
0b1b: 48                           pha
0b1c: 20 27 0b                     jsr     call_fm_with_data
0b1f: 68                           pla
0b20: aa                           tax
0b21: 68                           pla
0b22: a8                           tay
0b23: ad 5e 0b                     lda     fm_param_data+8   ;The byte that was read
0b26: 60                           rts

                   ; Copy our local FM block (fm_param_data) into DOS, call DOS FM, then copy the
                   ; result back. Exits via ONERR if FM returned non-zero.
0b27: 48           call_fm_with_data pha
0b28: 98                           tya
0b29: 48                           pha
0b2a: 8a                           txa
0b2b: 48                           pha
                   ; Copies $16 bytes, though FM blocks are nominally $12 bytes long. The last 4
                   ; bytes were zeroed.
0b2c: a0 15                        ldy     #$15
0b2e: b9 56 0b     @copy_to_fm     lda     fm_param_data,y   ;copy $16 (22) bytes into DOS FM
0b31: 91 f9                        sta     (fm_params),y
0b33: 88                           dey
0b34: 10 f8                        bpl     @copy_to_fm
0b36: 20 d6 03                     jsr     DOS_FM            ;call DOS file manager
0b39: a0 15                        ldy     #$15
0b3b: b1 f9        @copy_from_fm   lda     (fm_params),y     ;copy $16 bytes back
0b3d: 99 56 0b                     sta     fm_param_data,y
0b40: 88                           dey
0b41: 10 f8                        bpl     @copy_from_fm
0b43: ad 60 0b                     lda     fm_param_data+10  ;byte 0A = return code
0b46: f0 04                        beq     @done
0b48: aa                           tax                       ;X=non-zero return code
0b49: 4c d5 08                     jmp     close_onerr

0b4c: 68           @done           pla                       ;restore X/Y and return
0b4d: aa                           tax                       ;after successful FM call
0b4e: 68                           pla
0b4f: a8                           tay
0b50: 68                           pla
0b51: 60                           rts

                   ; Relocation trick: only 16-bit code operands are relocated, so make this look
                   ; like one by prefixing it with a BIT opcode. This gives us the relocated
                   ; address of filename so we can pass it to DOS. 8-bit immediate operands (lda
                   ; #<filename) can't be relocated, but an 8-bit dereference of a 16-bit operand
                   ; (lda ptr_to_filename) can. Note that both the contents of this variable, and
                   ; the variable reference itself, are relocated.
0b52: 2c                           .dd1    $2c               ;make this look like code with BIT
0b53: 6e 0b        ptr_to_filename .dd2    filename          ;so this address is relocated
                   * End point of relocation scan -- zero byte                                    *
0b55: 00                           .dd1    $00
                   ; The variable values below are placeholders, initialized during execution.
                   ; FM param lists are $12 bytes long, while this area is $16. I'm not sure why.
                   ; The last 4 bytes are initialized to zero.
0b56: a0 c3 a0 a5+ fm_param_data   .junk   22                ;$16 byte uninitialized FM param data
0b6c: a0           slot            .junk   1                 ;load module from this slot
0b6d: a0           drive           .junk   1                 ;load module from this drive
0b6e: f0 ac a0 84+ filename        .junk   30                ;30 byte filename
0b8c: a0 d0        reloc_delta     .junk   2                 ;relocation delta
0b8e: cc a0        module_len      .junk   2                 ;code length and (later) a temp
0b90: a0 a0        adrs            .junk   2                 ;module address returned to BASIC
0b92: a0           reloc_flag      .junk   1                 ;whether to relocate; initialized to 1
0b93: a5           entry_type      .junk   1                 ;current relocation entry type

Symbol Table

No exported symbols found.